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Political life in the Sumerian era


Politcal map of Sumer

Political life in the Sumerian era (c. 4500-1900 BC) was complex and diverse, as the Sumerians formed one of the oldest civilizations in history and flourished around 4500 to 1900 BCE in ancient Mesopotamia, was characterized by several key features:

key words takeaways

  1. City-States:

      Sumer was composed of independent city -states, such as Ur, Uruk, and Lagash. Each city-state had its own government, laws, and patron deities.


 Political power was often held by a king or a  ruler, who was seen as a representative of the gods. These rulers were responsible for maintaining order, leading armies, and conducting religious ceremonies.


Religion played a central role in governance. The priesthood held significant power, often influencing or directly controlling political decisions.

4-Legal Codes: 

 The Sumerians developed some of the  earliest written laws, such as the Code of Ur-Nammu, which established legal standards and justice.

5-Warfare and Alliances: 

City-states frequently engaged in  warfare over resources and territory. Alliances were common, but conflicts often arose, leading to dynamic political landscapes.




6- Economic Control: 

 The government regulated trade and agriculture, which were vital for the economy. Taxation and resource management were essential responsibilities of rulers.


The basic political unit of ancient Sumerian civilization was the city-state. With some of the first instances of large-scale agriculture being practiced by the Sumerians, people could congregate in larger and larger communities that could be fed by the surrounding countryside.

Sumeria consisted of a group of independent city-states, such as Ur, Akyad, and Loch, each with its own government.

 These cities were central to political life, managing their internal and external affairs.

Main cities

  • Uruk:

 In Sumer, it is considered one of the oldest cities in the world, and was an important cultural and commercial center.

  • Ur:

A Sumerian city famous for its monumental architecture and as a religious center with many huge temples.

  • Kish:

It was considered an important administrative center and played a major role in Sumerian history.

Political structure

The Sumerians called to their land as Kengir, meaning "Country of the noble lords".

In about 5000 BCE, nomads living in the region began to settle in the good land near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. They made small villages which grew into larger towns and cities, and eventually developed into the civilization known as Sumer. Some advanced city-states in Sumer had over 80,000 people. Sumerian cities were organized around a ziggurat, or temple, and included streets and housing.

Through their development, we can see attractive aspects of their life that have extended  the test of time and are even present in today's civilizations. These include the foundations of advanced cities, complex institutions, specialized workers, advanced technology and record keeping.

Within these cities, Sumerians created complex institutions such as government. Government in Sumer was a form of theocracy, meaning government and religion were intertwined. Kings were believed to be descended from heaven. Kings and priests claimed that deities or gods gave them divine guidance to rule their lands.

The Sumerians had over 3,000 gods. Each city had its own government and laws. Kings ruled these city-states in the name of the gods they worshipped until eventually one king created an empire and Sumer became one of the first monarchies in the world.

Kings and rulers

Each city-state was often ruled by a king or ruler, considered divine or appointed by the gods.

Kings enjoyed broad powers, including managing military, economic, and religious affairs.

Religion and politics

Religion played a pivotal role in political life. Rulers were believed to receive authority from the gods as well temples were considered centers of political power, where resources were collected and business was conducted.

Legal systems

The administrative systems of the Sumerian period represent one of the first attempts to organize society in a formal and complex manner. The Sumerians are considered one of the first civilizations to develop in Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq) during the fourth millennium BC. Here are some key points about their administrative systems:


As we said ..Sumer was made up of independent cities, such as Ur, Uruk, and Laksh, each of which had its own government.




Kings and priests:

The king was often considered a representative of the god and had a key role in governance, while priests managed religious affairs.

Local administration


Employees were hired to oversee day-to-day affairs, such as tax collection and resource management.


There were local councils that helped make decisions.

Writing and records

Cuneiform writing:

Cuneiform writing helped document business transactions and taxes, which contributed to better administration.


Accurate records of resources, taxes, and land were kept.

Rules and regulations

Laws of Hammurabi:

Although Hammurabi's laws came after the Sumerians, the legal foundations began in this period, as there were rules that regulated relationships between individuals.


Sumerian administrative systems had a major impact on later civilizations, and contributed to the development of concepts of administration and governance that are still used today.



These points show how the Sumerians were able to organize their societies in an effective way, which helped bring stability and growth.

The Sumerians developed advanced legal systems, such as the Code of Hammurabi, which is considered one of the earliest legal documents.

Laws were used to regulate relationships between individuals and set penalties.

Wars and alliances

Wars were common between city-states, as each city sought to expand its influence.

Some cities have formed alliances for military or economic purposes.

Trade and economy

Trade strengthened political ties, as cities exchanged goods and expanded their influence through trade.

International relations in the Sumerian era, which runs roughly from 4500 to 1900 BC, were characterized by complexity and diversity. The Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia, which includes modern Iraq, and were among the first civilizations to establish advanced cities such as Ur and Akkad.

Highlights of International Relations in the Sumerian Era


Trade was a key element of international relations. The Sumerians sought to exchange goods such as grain, textiles, and metals with their neighbors such as the Akkadians and the Hebrews.


Sumerian cities formed alliances with each other to face common threats, and there was a cultural and religious exchange between these cities.


International relations were also characterized by conflicts. Wars were used to expand influence and control territory and resources. For example, King Sargon of Akkad invaded the Sumerians and their resources.


Methods of diplomacy began to develop, as letters were exchanged between rulers and treaties were made. These treaties were used to define borders and trade.


Religion played a major role in international relations, as temples were considered centers of power and influence, and relations between cities were linked to religious considerations.


International relations in the Sumerian era formed the basis for the development of subsequent civilizations in the region. Trade, alliances, wars, diplomacy, and religion were all important elements that shaped Sumerian history and its impact on the ancient world.
















































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