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Hadrian's Wall




Hadrian's Wall is a stone wall and fortifications built by the Roman emperor Hadrian across present-day England, it was the second of three walls built across England, the first was Gask Ridge and the third was the Antonine wall, and the three walls were built to repel military raids from the ancient Pictish tribes that inhabited the land of Scotland in the north, it is worth noting that Hadrian's Wall is the most famous of the three walls due to its existence to this day.

One of all these structures, only a portion of the original wall remains, and although the course of Hadrian's Wall avoids the now border between England and Scotland in some places, the wall is a great distance from the modern border line in other places, and, therefore, did not serve a role in Draw current boundaries.

The extension of Hadrian's Wall  

Hadrian's Wall marked the last extend of the Roman empire in Britain and is now a stopping point on the way to Scotland's capital, Edinburgh, or the country's largest city, Glasgow.



Hadrian's Wall included a number of forts as well as a moat designed to protect against invading forces, and there are remains of a stone wall still visible in many places.

The wall extends from the banks of the river Tyne near the North Sea to the Solway Firth on the Irish Sea, i.e. along present-day England, and is about 117 kilometers long.

But the 73-mile chain of walls, moats, towers and forts--which extends across Great Britain, connecting the North and Irish Seas--is still a staggering 1,900 years after construction began, according to National Geographic.

The importance of the fence

Hadrian's Wall was built to cover the width of present-day England and consists of three walls, the main purpose of building is to protect the region from attacks by Scottish tribes in the north and to secure the Roman empire from that side.



It is a barrier against the tribes of Caledonia (Caldonia is a Latin name given by the Romans to the northern part of the island of Britain, consisting of Scotland and part of northern England, where the Picts were located).

¸ In order to improve economic stability and provide safety and security conditions in Britain, the Roman province to the south, and to define the borders, the wall was designed as a border for the empire, and as a historical and archaeological landmark in England, it is one of the most important and famous tourist places in northern Britain, as it has a great importance as a UNESCO World Heritage site and a main tourist attraction.



You can enjoy Hadrian's Wall, including countless opportunities for cherished memories and special moments, especially being next to the huge size of the “World Heritage Sites,” the vivid landscapes and meeting the people who lived there, in addition to learning history for adults and children, as the Romans are still a part. of daily life 1,600 years after their departure.

Reasons for building the fence

Romans invaded Britain

The Romans first attempted to conquer the island now known as Britain in 55 BC, while he was under Emperor Julius Caesar, and although Caesar's military maneuver was unsuccessful, the armies of the Roman Empire again moved to conquer the island, which was inhabited and ruled by Various Celtic tribes, by order of Emperor Claudius, in 43 AD.

Claudius sent Aulus Plautius and some 24,000 soldiers into Britain, and by 79 AD, they controlled the lands that now make up Wales and southern England, however, they were still facing fierce resistance from Celtic warriors in what is now northern England.


Under Emperor Vespasian, the Romans desperately wanted the region now known as Scotland to be part of their growing empire, however, the Scots warriors, known as the Caledonians, fought steadfastly, and it wasn't until Roman soldiers, led by Julius Agricola, defeated and killed the Caledonians By about 30,000 in AD 81, the Empire could consider at least part of Scotland under its control. However, the Caledonians who survived Agricola's attack fled to the hills and remained implacable opponents of the Romans. During the ensuing decades, the Caledonians remained troublesome, making attacks Numerous on the northern outpost of the empire.

Emperor Hadrian

By the time Emperor Hadrian came to power in AD 117, the Romans were no longer seeking to expand their territory, but instead, they wanted to protect what they had from the Caledonians and others, under Hadrian's orders, the Roman rulers of Britain began building the wall that was later named after the emperor, to defend the part of Britain that they controlled from the attack, they wanted to "separate the Romans from the barbarians" to the north, and scholars believe that the wall may have served as a means to restrict immigration and smuggling to and from Roman lands.

finally, Roman Emperor Hadrian (AD 76-138) is said to have sought "peace through strength or, failing that, peace through threat". Hadrian's Wall was a symbol of this policy.

















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